just remember, half fall on the left side of the bell curve
Abracadabra, Your Money Is Gone"BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -- A woman who says she bought magic wands from a self-described psychic to erase negative thoughts says $5,400 of her money was all that disappeared ... "
Since her brain cells obviously disappeared years ago, that's all that COULD have dissappeared.
Shorter telomeres mean shorter life
"Old people can expect to die sooner if they have shorter telomeres, pieces of DNA that protect the ends of chromosomes."
Sure, I know what telomeres are ... not. At least not from this article: A telomere is a repeated sequence of five bases that preserves the integrity of genes during DNA replication, rather like the glue that prevents the ends of shoelaces unravelling. There's nothing one can do to make those telomeres longer, is there? Will this give rise to telomere envy?
One more that caused me to shake my head:
Doctor sued for branding uterus defends actions
"LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (AP) -- A surgeon being sued for branding a patient's uterus with the initials of his alma mater -- the University of Kentucky -- defended his actions Tuesday as a routine part of a hysterectomy.
Dr. Michael Guiler said in a statement that marking the uterus gives doctors a point of reference before it is removed.
"Guiler, who used a cauterizing instrument to brand "UK" on Stephanie Means' uterus, said the letters marked the organ's midline and distinguished its left and right side.
"Not only am I always able to remain oriented for the patient's safety, I felt this was honorable since it made reference to the college of medicine where I received my medical degree," he said in the statement, which he read to reporters ... "
How about the letters "L" and "R" or something that might actually make sense? But what I'm wondering about, too, is why the branded woman was watching a videotape of her hysterectomy. Is that common? And of course she's suing--this is America, after all. On what grounds the article doesn't specify. What ever happened to just filing a complaint? Does this lady plan to retire on the proceeds of the lawsuit? Probably.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 02/01/03 at 07:18 AM
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