my hometown newspage

Our hometown newspaper is The (Norwalk) Horror, er, Hour, which is so crappy we only get it on Sundays and, while Stanley reads it, I rarely do. The writing defines "turgid," particularly the stuff by senior reporter Frank Fay. I get too mad at the lax editorial standards of The Hour, life is too short, so I rarely read it (and the online version is even more of a joke than the print version). Besides, I don't care a rat's ass for local high school sports, which is The Horror's forte.

Instead, I've been checking Google News, New York Times, WestportNow, WTNH, Hartford Courant, etc. etc. etc. Takes quite a while to get through 'em all, and the only two I really enjoy are WestportNow (disclosure: InfoPulse is the designer / webmaster) and WTNH. There are a couple of small weeklies covering Norwalk, but I rarely see them around. I wouldn't even mind paying for one of the weeklies, but I've never been offered a subscription to 'em.

So I was really interested in seeing what has to offer: Norwalk, CT News - It's pretty cool, displaying lots of news around Connecticut. A lot of Stamford and Greenwich stuff. But there is still not much LOCAL news -- meaning Norwalk news. Probably because there is no feed from The Horror. Or from News 12, our local cable news channel.

In the tv news department, Fairfield County is woefully under-reported. Very strange considering it's an extremely upscale market. But it's like it's a dead zone to the CT tv stations. The best of the lot at covering Fairfield County is WTNH, based in New Haven. But unless something is lurid or attracts national attention (such as the Skakel trial or Martha, who lives in the town next to Norwalk), we rarely see their trucks. The same is true of the New York City tv stations, which dominate our broadcast tv stations. Channel 12 is a Cablevision operation and while adequate, is clearly done as cheaply as possible -- probably only enough to conform with whatever FCC rules there are for local cable monopolies.

Ah well. I guess what I would really like is a Norwalk version of WestportNow.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 03/10/04 at 05:41 PM
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