ned lamont for senator
It’s been a while since I wrote anything—have been even busier than usual. But last night, my friend Helene mentioned that there was a Greenwich businessman thinking about throwing his hat into the ring to run against our alleged Democratic senator, Joe Lieberman, or Liebermouth, as Stanley and I call him.
I thought, “Great, a Greenwich businessman—a Republican no doubt ... ” and all those other negative thoughts I have about denizens of Greenwich. (Yes, it’s a kneejerk reaction. Sometimes I’m wrong, sometimes not ... but there is history to my reaction.)
Then, this morning, Stanley sent me a bunch of links about Ned Lamont, the same Greenwich businessman. I read the story in the Hartford Courant, then promptly went to Lamont’s website. It took me about two minutes to volunteer for his campaign and pledge a contribution:
Ned is considering running because, like most Connecticut Democrats, he is tired of being represented by a senator who is not willing to stand up to the President on the war—and on the rest of his extreme right wing agenda which is so harmful to our country.
Ned Lamont is a successful businessman who understands the importance of health care and education to our economy. He will fight for universal health care and to bring all of America’s schools into the 21st Century. He believes the federal government should stay out of people’s private lives and stop spying on its own citizens. He would push for energy conservation and bio fuels as better alternatives than the liquefied natural gas plant in Long Island Sound. And he would demand that corrupt public officials be held accountable for their actions.
Lamont says he will not formally run until he has 1,000 volunteers signed up because of the herculean effort it will take to launch and sustain a campaign against Liebermouth, who has been essentially unopposed since 1988. So, you Nutmeggers who want to participate in saving our country from the damages inflicted by the Bushies and their collaborators, head to and sign up. Pronto.
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