same dog, same porch, +14 hours
It’s still snowing. Though I really do think the worst of it is over, it won’t be “officially” over until about 5 or 6 pm.
This picture was taken about 1:00 pm, and boy what a difference, eh? (click the picture, and the others, to enlarge)
Of course, nothing is official until it’s measured. Here, at Squirrel Half-acre, there’s only one place to get an accurate measurement without having to slog through drifts up to my butt, and that’s on the patio. Nor’easters always whip weird around our house, I think because of the angle of the opening in the front hedge and all the trees, so our drifts are really interesting. But the patio doesn’t get drift during this type of storm. Our total, as of 1:30 pm on February 12, 2006, is 13 inches.
You’d think with all this snow it would be brighter out, but it’s not. I’d be really surprised if we got another 11 inches of snow like they’re predicting on the Weather Channel, no way. I know there’s some flooding going on in Westport and probably here in Norwalk and other areas along the coast. And there are some power outages, but not very many (especially as compared with the outages during the windstorms last month). But, as blizzards go, this one is not that big of a deal. I was living in Boston during the Blizzard of ‘78—now THAT was a blizzard!
Here is a picture looking toward the backyard from the front door, and one of the stack ‘o snow on the birdbath.
At least it’s not that wet and heavy stuff, so shoveling won’t be nearly as horrendous as it could’ve been. It’s supposed to get close to 50 degrees on Wednesday—not looking forward to that slop!
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