setting up is such a pain

After many mishaps, I finally got my new Tecra A9 laptop from Toshiba. About a week ago. And I need it—my old Toshiba is 3.5 years old and so sludgy it slows me down. I have to wait so long for it to load programs or webpages that it feels like dollars are just slipping away.

So am I using my new machine yet? Not quite. It just blows me away how many things I need to set up. I should just bite the bullet and switch them to make my new one my primary and retrieve stuff from the old one as needed, but I want to organize things right on my new one so it’s taking me too long. I’ve loaded all my graphics programs and web programs (you know, PhotoShop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, TopStyle, CuteFTP ... ) and the bookkeeping program (crappy QuickBooks)—now I need to move over my email and my calendar, bookmarks, the wireless mouse and keyboard, install AVG ... then reconfigure the backup and this and that ... and all the stuff I might need (no, maybe I’ll just archive that.) Oh, and the fonts. All the login settings for all the websites I work on, both in CuteFTP and Dreamweaver. It’s like I’m moving my office from one building to another.

So this afternoon I worked on Christmas stuff—getting those things out that need to be mailed tomorrow.

The weekend has been pretty quiet so far for us, except for the fireworks Saturday night to celebrate the wedding of Harvey Weinstein and Georgiana Chapman over in Westport. The fireworks were loud—we’ve gotta be about three or four miles from the wedding site—and Ginger turned into mush as usual. We shoveled out from the Thursday storm ok, and today Stanley dug the end of the driveway out from today’s nor’easter, which is mostly slush here. Most of my family is getting slammed with snow in the Detroit area—they’re supposed to get a foot. And I still haven’t heard from a friend in the St. Louis area which was hit with that ice storm last week and about 8 inches of snow this weekend. I’ll try to call him tomorrow.

I guess I should get back to configuring this. I keep getting caught up in the photo gallery at—some pretty amazing photos of the weather. What I love is you can see them from all over the world.

And here is one of Slink hanging out on Stanley’s monitor—he spent a good deal of time trying to catch the cursor (click photo to enlarge):


Wow, this computer is fast! That inspires me to finish the setup!

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/16/07 at 10:26 PM
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