simon legree, our supervisor

We worked hard this weekend on getting the fall belt collection at charlie & grace photographed and loaded online. It was fun because it's another great line by Alicia and Ray; I love seeing the designs they create. And I'm always impressed by the craftsmanship, and the choice of fabrics. This particular collection features boucle, wool, velvet, cotton, corduroy, and some lovely grosgrain ribbon.

Twitch, Stanley's demented cat, supervised. He made sure the belts were rolled just so for shooting, unrolling the ones that didn't meet his standards. That sure sped up the process ...


Just as soon as I get a chance, I want to post some more photos from our vacation, particularly of an old train station that's being restored. But I'm just too sleepy right now to find them, process them, and so on.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 09/13/04 at 04:00 AM
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