sunday break
We should’ve spent today getting the garden ready for the tomato plants—though last weekend is when we planned to but thank goodness we didn’t. We had a frost last week. Today a project supersedes gardening as we have to pay the mortgage. But we took a break.
Bingo is ready to play ball—always. (click to enlarge)
Ruby, on the other hand, would rather look for things to eat. Like mushrooms. Too bad truffles don’t grow here. (click to enlarge)
Oh please oh please throw it oh please (click to enlarge)
Keeping an eye on Stanley (click to enlarge)
Here is a rare shot of Bingo at rest. (click to enlarge)
Ruby is many times utterly content to just sit and love her world. (click to enlarge)
Roses are blooming—earlier this year than usual by about two weeks. And the false indigo is also early. The roses smell wonderful—there is one on my desk right now and I can enjoy the scent as I write this.
My false indigo is blooming nearly two weeks earlier than it should be. And there are lots of buds on the peonies this year—last year they were disappointing. (click to enlarge)
The climbing roses are loaded with buds already. I love the color—especially in the twilight because they just seems to glow. (click to enlarge)
We planted these trees about five or six years ago and they were, at the time, maybe a foot tall. It seems like they really grew a lot this year. I’m just hoping they don’t get so high they block the sun from the vegetable garden. We’re getting quite a wall of green—cost us more patience than money since we bought them so small. (click to enlarge)
Tonight I’ll watch season finales of Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters, alas. But now for 60 Minutes, which is mostly about the BP disaster. At least I don’t think it can make me any angrier than I already am. I don’t think ...
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