Tomorrow, Stanley is headed to Denver, Colorado. From there, he has to get to Goodland, Kansas (by bus, there is no other way) to rescue a couple of dogs and a Subaru and drive them back home to Connecticut.I wish I could go--I would if I didn't have so much work to do.
When I drove from Arizona to Connecticut by myself, oh, 12 or 13 years ago, it was an amazing trip, and I'm glad Stanley gets to take a road trip across half the continent.
I think everyone should take a long, long car trip by himself or herself at least once--I learned a lot about myself and resilience and coping (I had a shitbox car that broke down once in Grants, New Mexico and again in Akron, Ohio) and being alone and comfortable with it.
Some day I'd love to get a Winnebago or a pickup with a camper on it, grab the dog and the cat and Stanley and just do the blue highways from here all the way to Alaska and down the coast and back again. No deadlines, no haftas, no pressure ... just see what's over the horizon. We will do it sooner or later.
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 01/13/04 at 04:59 AM
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