matters of the heart
I’m reading Seven Steps to Stop a Heart Attack by Dr. Bob Arnot. It’s an excellent book at explaining what’s going on, what drugs are used and for what, how they work, what the different tests and procedures are, what to ask for if you wind up in the hospital suffering from a heart attack (besides making sure the ambulance crew knows to take you to an ER than can actually handle heart attacks—which our local hospital, Norwalk Hospital, cannot handle), and much more. Arnot recommends a few tests and points out the patterns of symptoms and signs to be on the lookout for that indicate you are at a high risk but that are often missed. The book is frightening—but I guess that’s a good thing because, otherwise, who would take it seriously? I got this book out of the library, but I’m going to buy it because I want to have it around for reference. I’m going to see if I can get the tests he recommended done (lipid panel, hsCRP, etc.) soon instead of waiting for my physical in April. Alice, who has good days and bad days but seems to be getting better, also thinks it was the massive amounts of Stew Leonard’s ice cream Stanley consumed that clogged up his artery.
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