Merry Christmas to all
We made it to Natick, MA with no hassle--we left around 7 and despite the rain, there were no accidents to mar the trip. (We saw a bad fender-bender earlier today that's going to ruin at least four Christmases. Sad.) We finished everything we needed to do as far as getting ready, gave the dog a bath (so now she smells like tea tree and jasmine!), Stanley wrapped the last of the presents, packed the car up, and off we went. We started listening to "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham and it's pretty funny so far.Christmas will be low key: we'll open presents, cook a great dinner, play Scrabble or Upwords or Triominoes, talk, argue politics, eat, mellow out. Other than getting dragged out of bed at what we consider the crack of dawn by a nephew excited to be opening presents since he suspects he'll get at least one thing he asked for (like PS2), it is shaping up to be a very nice day.
Friday, Boxing Day?, we'll take the kids to the mall to cash in those gift cards and then we're invited to a Hannukah dinner, and at some point may try to get to see LOTR3. We were planning to do that Wednesday, but just didn't make it. And there is some
Don't know yet what's on our schedule for Saturday. I just want to go with the flow. I might involve finding a puppy, but I don't know for sure yet.
Adam called Wednesday afternoon to wish us happy holidays, which was really nice. I like talking with him about stuff and don't get the chance to very often.
The only really strange thing is that it's in the mid 50s outside right now, in the middle of a winter night. And it's supposed to get even warmer. Not exactly your typical New England Christmas weather, that's for sure!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 12/25/03 at 07:01 AM
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